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Topic Rating: +19 Topic Rating: +19 (19 votes) 
Summit. Ideas and Suggestions.
Darren O

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April 22, 2023 - 10:05 pm
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Has anyone any thoughts or suggestions on how to improve the game experience?

I feel that reducing the down time between turns would greatly increase the enjoyment of playing Summit. I understand that Steve has other things going on besides Summit. I find 13/14 days to play one turn is very long. As a result it takes so long to complete a season. Sometimes it feels like playing chess by post! If it was possible at some point in the future I'd love to see processing every 7 days. Most of the time the forum goes dead after 48 hours after a turn has been processed and it's not really productive going on it after that. Most of the time there is a week since the last post - on League 3 for example. That indicates to me that the in between turn time doesn't need to be so long in the ideal world. Just wondering if you ever envisage a scenario of changing the processing times in the future Steve ? I know 10 days approx is the normal that is aspired to.
I'd love to hear from other managers who are involved in all three leagues if processing once a week would work for them?
Would it ever be a possibility Steve. Love the game but it's hard to get any traction.

Anyone with any other ideas on how to improve the game experience for all?

Silversprings Utd (1217) League 3.
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April 23, 2023 - 9:41 am
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Good morning Darren/Fellow Managers.
As far as a 7 day turnaround goes...of the 2 teams I have, the average turnaround is 12.2 and 12.7 days since I returned and I just can't see Steve almost halving that figure; much as I would welcome it. Of course, it would almost double his game income...
Other ideas (and I don't know if these are possible but am sure someone will set me straight on it 🙂 )
1) At least a 40% increase in match day ticket prices and commensurate reduction in prize/sponsor/TV money to reward good management and stadium development. Also, Exec boxes to be £2-5K per box. for the same reason.
2) Player Sales: Min and Max altered to 60% and 150% this would allow manager to sell both their decent older players and their high quality players for closer to their real value, rather than being forced, in the case of the former to offload them for 50% and in the case of the latter to sell them for 120%, only to see something similar sell in the auction next week for 175%.
3) More staff in auction esp COA and YOU
4) Greater variety of players in auctions... it often seems to be Premiership quality (which go, rightly in my opinion, for prices managers in the lower leagues cannot compete with) or players that are of considerable age. A regular sprinkling of players aged in their early to late 20s who could be good team members in D1 through D3, but wouldn't be of interest to Premiership teams, would be welcomed.

    League 2 Division 2
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April 25, 2023 - 1:08 pm
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I agree that a lot of numbers in the game need tweaking. If for example you were able to sell people for 50% as opposed to just sending to auction. Also contracts to be longer and general overhaul of some of the financial aspects. I can’t imagine the money from the burger company makes a lot of difference to many people, it’s not really in line anymore with some of the other aspects.

Urmston Squirrels (531) League 1

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April 25, 2023 - 5:02 pm
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If he sold me the franchise, it would have a seven day turn round


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April 25, 2023 - 6:59 pm
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The idea of changing the 20% on transfers has been mentioned before to Steve and he's argued against it, I personally agree it would be nice if it was higher but it's in place for a reason as Steve says.

The Wonder Stuff (517) - 5 time Premier League One Champions
Massive Attack (635) league 2

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April 25, 2023 - 10:36 pm
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I did make it clear I was having a few days off after the Easter holidays.

A lot of the restrictions in the game are not there to piss people off.. they are there to make the game fair and prevent loopholes being exploited because if there is a way to exploit a loophole and stay within the rules then there are managers that will find them which is why these restrictions have evolved over time as I spot new ones. Tell me a restriction you don't like and I will tell you why it's there

Some of the values within the game are hard coded so can't be changed. However I can control a lot. Recommended ticket prices, prize money, external offers (currently switched off) etc etc all affect the finances and I can control.

To Bryce.. I would have to put dozens of players on the auction to please everyone. Not so long ago the Premier clubs were moaning that the auction was a waste of time for them so now I try to get some sort of balance. Maybe I dont do it well enough, I don't know. If there are unsold auction players then it isn't worth increasing the numbers

I can control the club news options but a lot of them are just a bit of fun and the money from the burger company etc is not supposed to be game changing or I would get complaints about the randomness of that too.

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April 26, 2023 - 1:35 am
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Wondered why I hadn’t had an external offer since 2018,any ext offer for any of any of my shit teams will be gladly accepted
Let’s get an unmanaged offer before they decide they don’t want a new contract

Hannahs 518 lg1( Premier lg champions in season 4)
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Fincer Athletic

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April 28, 2023 - 9:11 am
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I'm not sure if this is popular or how practical it is; three subs. Even if we have two options to substitute, three names on the bench.

Fincer Athletic [572]
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Beckenham, Kent

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April 28, 2023 - 9:17 am
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I think it would be a nice option for a scout to be able to scout the oppositions match report for the previous week prior to playing them. If it were option 7 in the order code for example

Michael (07841262340)
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Darren O

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April 28, 2023 - 9:56 am
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Some good ideas but the software might be hard coded to 2 subs and adding an extra Scouting command might fall under the same constraints.

In an 'Ideal world' Summit could be built from the ground up again in my humble opinion.
I'd keep 95% of the game as it is and bring in a programmer to duplicate much of it but build it in a way that it is modular.
I'd fix the subs situation and add more depth to tactics and formations but not go too mad!
It would take a long time to do and the expense would be prohibitive too I'd imagine.
In this fantasy world of mine I'd have everything automated from uploading turn submissions to automatic emails with very little interaction (envelopes would still need to be stuffed). Inputting and Processing would take a very short amount of time relatively speaking. It would be done on the same day every week and generate more revenue for far less work.
You wouldn't necessarily loose the human touch if you could intervene at a level you so choose, from a processing point of view. Some weeks that your busy you would do very little tinkering and weeks your feeling creative you could get involved with adding club news scenarios or whatever you like.

All fantasy stuff in an ideal world where time and money isn't an issue Lol!!
Summit has stood the test of time and is still a great game over a quarter of a century on smile

Silversprings Utd (1217) League 3.
Season 1 - Trophy Winners.
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Cork City (1268) League 3


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April 28, 2023 - 10:57 am
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Darren said...
"... I'd have everything automated from uploading turn submissions to automatic emails with very little interaction (envelopes would still need to be stuffed). Inputting and Processing would take a very short amount of time relatively speaking. It would be done on the same day every week and generate more revenue for far less work."

I don't know what language the game is written in, (it's a secret! laugh) but quite possibly, it could be trans-piled into a industry standard language like C(and it's variants), JavaScript or Python, any of which would enable any future work to be done by any IT graduate.

Further, any of the aforementioned languages, would enable the coder to easily do all that Darren suggested in the quote + it would be able to check payments made against costs incurred for each player. It would only print those not to be emailed too, so that printing/sorting process would be negated for the emailed turns and resources saved too... allowing Steve, as Darren pointed out, to do his work in a fraction of the time and with less overheads to boot cheers

    League 2 Division 2
    St Annes Seasiders (638)
Darren O

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April 28, 2023 - 11:06 am
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I bow to your knowledge of programming Bryce, and all things related! I am a Dinosaur.
If this could be done it would be a game changer.
Any time saved on inputting and processing would be an absolute blessing and would make processing a joy each time.
I believe that time spent on monotonous tasks is soul destroying and sucks the life out of your creative potential to improve any job in any industry!

Silversprings Utd (1217) League 3.
Season 1 - Trophy Winners.
Season 2 - Premier & Cup Winners.
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Cork City (1268) League 3


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April 28, 2023 - 11:18 am
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Thanks Darren, you're a bit of a wordsmith. That said, I don't know why I wrote JavaScript, got distracted, was thinking about something else... meant Java.

    League 2 Division 2
    St Annes Seasiders (638)

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April 29, 2023 - 11:45 pm
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I would love to live in 'Darrens World' too.

The software is written in Delphi... it's no secret... but I guarantee you will not find a programmer prepared to make adjustments to 25 year old software.

You know when you want a plumber or electrician to come and fix something and they do that intake of breath and tutting noise and tell you the last guy had no clue what they are doing? Well programmers are worse because they demolish your house and start again. Trust me I have been there.

Reprogramming Summit from the start with all the stuff we all want... and I have so many ideas... is a six figure investment.

At the moment we just have to enjoy it as the retro game that it is and is actually doing a pretty good job at what it is supposed to be

Cheers... Steve

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Darren O

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April 30, 2023 - 4:47 am
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I do enjoy a good daydream for a moment or so every now and again thumbsup

Silversprings Utd (1217) League 3.
Season 1 - Trophy Winners.
Season 2 - Premier & Cup Winners.
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Cork City (1268) League 3


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April 30, 2023 - 10:37 am
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Steve said
I would love to live in 'Darrens World' too.

The software is written in Delphi... it's no secret... but I guarantee you will not find a programmer prepared to make adjustments to 25 year old software.

You know when you want a plumber or electrician to come and fix something and they do that intake of breath and tutting noise and tell you the last guy had no clue what they are doing? Well programmers are worse because they demolish your house and start again. Trust me I have been there.

Reprogramming Summit from the start with all the stuff we all want... and I have so many ideas... is a six figure investment.

At the moment we just have to enjoy it as the retro game that it is and is actually doing a pretty good job at what it is supposed to be

Cheers... Steve  

How did you get the game, Steve? Did you have it written or buy it from someone?

Rowley Rockets (552) Lge 1.

Darren O

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April 30, 2023 - 12:06 pm
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I believe the original programmer disappeared off the radar a long time ago but I'd love to hear more on who and how it was designed etc. I'm a bit of a geek that waywink

Silversprings Utd (1217) League 3.
Season 1 - Trophy Winners.
Season 2 - Premier & Cup Winners.
Season 3 - Trophy Winners.
Season 4 - Cup Winners.
Season 5 - Premier & Trophy Winners.
Cork City (1268) League 3

Darren O

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April 30, 2023 - 12:09 pm
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It wasn't Gordon Mc Lennan who programmed it by any chance?

Silversprings Utd (1217) League 3.
Season 1 - Trophy Winners.
Season 2 - Premier & Cup Winners.
Season 3 - Trophy Winners.
Season 4 - Cup Winners.
Season 5 - Premier & Trophy Winners.
Cork City (1268) League 3


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April 30, 2023 - 7:53 pm
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Steve said
I did make it clear I was having a few days off after the Easter holidays.

A lot of the restrictions in the game are not there to piss people off.. they are there to make the game fair and prevent loopholes being exploited because if there is a way to exploit a loophole and stay within the rules then there are managers that will find them which is why these restrictions have evolved over time as I spot new ones. Tell me a restriction you don't like and I will tell you why it's there

Some of the values within the game are hard coded so can't be changed. However I can control a lot. Recommended ticket prices, prize money, external offers (currently switched off) etc etc all affect the finances and I can control.

To Bryce.. I would have to put dozens of players on the auction to please everyone. Not so long ago the Premier clubs were moaning that the auction was a waste of time for them so now I try to get some sort of balance. Maybe I dont do it well enough, I don't know. If there are unsold auction players then it isn't worth increasing the numbers

I can control the club news options but a lot of them are just a bit of fun and the money from the burger company etc is not supposed to be game changing or I would get complaints about the randomness of that too.  

So sticking to what you can control Steve, two questions/opinions

External l offers are switched off? Why?

Club news, this could do with being updated and changed been the same ones forever, twenty years in some cases.

The Wonder Stuff (517) - 5 time Premier League One Champions
Massive Attack (635) league 2

The Bluetones (1220) league 3


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April 30, 2023 - 9:31 pm
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Could do with external offers( every little helps)
Forecast 5 has said get guessind for as many years as I can remember, maybe put the 200k up to £1m?pretty please

Hannahs 518 lg1( Premier lg champions in season 4)
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